Volume 24 Issue 7

Top Ten

Reasons You Donated Your Blood Last Saturday

Written by: The MQ

1. You were out of Dining Dollars and needed the money
2. It was a cute first date idea
3. You’re not sure if you’re anemic, but you’re pretty sure this is the correct way to check
4. You have so much self-hatred that you need to get rid of as much of you as possible
5. There was a shooting and local authorities need blood
6. You love pranking blood donor recipients by first taking a lot of cocaine
7. If you donate four more times this year, you’ll get a free calendar
8. It was either this or that guy on library walk that was gonna make you sign up to vote
9. You didn’t, someone stole your blood
10. You needed a quiet place to study

Top Ten

Top Ten Ways to Waste Your Summer Vacation

Written by: The MQ

1. Work an unpaid summer internship to get “experience”
2. Fry an egg on the sidewalk and get food poisoning
3. Live-tweet the 36 hours you spend in bed
4. Write letters to Santa for everyone in your hometown
5. Deep-throat an Otter Pop
6. Go to Castles N’ Coasters, Arizona’s finest amusement park — Sponsored by Castles N’ Coasters, Arizona’s finest amusement park
7. Marathon that show you’ve already seen twice
8. Try to increase your Twinkies-eaten-per-hour rate by five
9. Stare at the sun
10. Attend summer session

Top Ten

Top Ten Reasons Your Father Left You Out of His Will

Written by: The MQ

1. He forgot to include your “Jr.” when he gave it to you, so his money just referred back to himself
2. He didn’t get any inheritance from his parents, so it’s kind of a family tradition at this point
3. You didn’t show up to his funeral
4. He selfishly donated all of his money to charity before he died
5. He never learned how to write
6. $2.71 doesn’t split evenly three ways
7. He was a devout socialist and believed that his remains belonged to the state
8. Years ago, you sold your portion of inheritance to your brother for a bowl of soup
9. He thought choosing to be breast fed by your mother was a form of favoritism
10. You didn’t put him in your will, so why would he put you in his

Top Ten

Top Ten Reasons You’re Not Graduating This School Year

Written by: The MQ

1. Your entire identity is defined by the word “student”
2. You haven’t gotten your idealism completely crushed out of you yet, so you need another year
3. You paid for those parking lots to be constructed and, god damn, you’re gonna use them
4. You’re on the hunt for the elusive triple major
5. You don’t want your parents to start seeing you as a self-reliant individual
6. You just switched into Cog Sci
7. You’re keeping a low profile
8. You forgot to pay that 10 cent charge on your Imprints count and now they’re holding your diploma
9. Your job as a part time drug dealer in the Village is quite lucrative
10. You’re a first year


Hobby Lobby Makes Lobbying its Hobby

Written by: Mishelle Arakelian

The Oklahoma City headquarters of prominent evangelical arts and crafts corporation Hobby Lobby has ordered a surprising course change in the company’s direction, with the company …


Headlines Found To Be Most Frequently Read Part of Article

Written by: Stephen Lightfoot

In a surprising study, researchers have concluded that the most read part of news articles, regardless of their content, are headlines. The study also found that graphics …


Study Finds Josh

Written by: Hannah Rosenblatt

Area middle-aged slacker and unreliable reporter Josh finally decided to show his face again late Monday afternoon after missing a whole three weeks of work and …


Area Man Loudly Announces He Will Spend Summer Vacation on Venus

Written by: Rowan Hernandez Cosme

Last Tuesday, without any prompting, local student Chad Richardson loudly announced that he was going to go somewhere “new and exotic” over the summer break. Richardson …


Upcoming 2018 Blue Wave Turns Out to Be a Tsunami

Written by: Steven Zhou

After extensively studying the recent voting trends, political scientists and climate scientists have concluded that the imminent “Blue Wave” in the upcoming elections is in fact …


Metal Bands Rush to Site of Fire in Hopes of “Bitchin’ Photoshoot”

Written by: Barak Tzori

Tens of black-grunge and grind-crust metal bands flocked to the site of last week’s deadly Santee fire in hopes of capturing some “brutal” album covers. The …