Campus Explorer
Point: I Love Having Classes in Pepper Canyon
My first year, I didn’t appreciate east campus. But after soliciting each location on campus, the area between Center Hall and the trolley station is by far my favorite. No wonder there’s so much construction there — it’s prime real estate! I even love the constant churning of machinery and hammering. It helps me study … like steel raindrops on steel windows. And you never struggle to find a spot to sit because it’s always completely empty. Quiet helps me think, and I have never ever gotten a chance to socially isolate like this before! It’s like a piece of my essence was missing another piece … and I’m complete now, or something. This fall quarter, I made sure that I had at the very least both a lecture and discussion section in Pepper Canyon Hall. The air that blows through Gilman Drive traffic is so refreshing at 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Those are the only times that work for my new goal-oriented schedule, and everyone’s goal should be to learn only out of spaces that you like. With that goal in mind, my six-year plan tells me to take eight credits this quarter, which is absurd! The answer must be to get departments to fully utilize the space. It’s currently very hard to complete a Real Estate and Development major and Geosciences minor out of Pepper Canyon. UCSD, please fix!

Nose Owner
Counterpoint: ACHOO!
I am blessed to not be allergic to anything, but there is something seriously wrong with that building. I do not know if it is the reflective sheen of the abhorrent windowed facade tickling my philtrum. There is also the matter of the single visible pillar, a mockery of superior Greco-Roman style. And frankly, the only canyon to be found here is the one they’re digging out back. I have read that it is possible to have a physical reaction to visual stimuli. The nose twitches, the ear flaps like it’s batting away flies — the standard allergy symptoms. Why else would snobs be characterized by noses held rigid and high? Those common snobs would crumble at the sight of what I am cursed to endure en route to my fair trolley. No matter. I, like all virtuous students, recoil at the sight of a class on WebReg that requires one to haunt the halls of Pepper Canyon. If given no other option, it is for one to realize that they are not meant to take this particular class in this particular quarter. Some other time, some other room. In my freshman epoch, I disrupted my Pepper Canyon lecture to the point that I was no longer deserving of a gesundheit. For shame! I take my leave of this, the unholiest of halls, and I shall take my Computer Engineering major with artificial intelligence systems emphasis elsewhere.
Amit is a cog in this machine. But doesn't everything run on optic cables or something?