Claire McNerney
Local Man Discovers He, Too, Has Hormones
“Men have hormones?” Misenberger asked. “That’s endo-cringe.”Photo by James Woolley A mob of angry senior citizen protesters, armed with signs reading “There are only two genders” …
UCSD Crane Replaced By Bird
“I’m really worried for the local marine life,” stated Professor Drake. “I saw that thing eat an entire whale yesterday.”Photo by Sharon Roth Residents of Revelle …
Being A Raccoon is Harder Than You Think
Trust me, I’ve been there. I was once like you: happy and free, eating warm, full meals with my forks and knives. You stupid, stupid students, …
Local ASMR Artist Livestreams From the 8th Floor of Geisel During Finals Week
“Surprisingly, my MATH 20C grade is more unsettling than asMARTA’s performance,” said O’Reilley.Photo by Sharon Roth The quietest floor of Geisel Library was disturbed last Tuesday by …