Photo by Stephen Lightfoot
For the first time in 15 years, Nintendo Power sat down with James Laynor, a former Nintendo World Champion and avid gamer to this day! We discussed the changes in gaming culture, and his excitement for some upcoming games on Nintendo Switch!
Nintendo Power: Thanks for meeting with us! What has the great James Laynor been up to since the Nintendo World Championship over a decade ago?
James Laynor: Thanks for having me! The past 15 years have definitely been turbulent, but they’ve been good! I graduated with a degree in computer science and was able to land a steady job as a software engineer around a year or so after graduation! I also have an incredible partner and two amazing kids.
NP: That’s great! Do you play any games with your kids?
JL: Yeah! We got a Nintendo Switch a while ago, and it’s been great. The kids love classics like Mario Kart, but recently we’ve been having a lot of fun on Overcooked 2 — though it can get intense sometimes!
NP: I understand what you mean! Do you play any other games?
JL: Laughs God no.
NP: Really? I figured a superstar gamer such as yourself would have a pretty extensive game library.
JL: I mean … I do. But my job keeps me pretty busy, and you know how it is being a dad. It’s just been a while since I had the free time to play like I used to. But at the same time, I hope I’m never as big of a gamer as I was 15 years ago.
NP: Why’s that?
JL: Well, there’s nothing inherently wrong with games themselves. Hell, my kids and I have had a fantastic time. It’s amazing when you’re able to get together and play games with loved ones, both friends and family. But gamers nowadays? You’ve practically sold your soul.
NP: Those are some pretty strong words. What exactly do you mean by that?
JL: Frankly? Gamers are toxic as all hell. I see it time and time again, from Modern Warfare 2 to League of Legends … Christ, I’ve even heard of people throwing around slurs in E-rated games like Rocket League. I had hoped it would only be a small percentage of people who are sexist, racist, and otherwise horrible, but something like 80% of gamers have experienced some form of toxicity online. I mean, have you seen StarCraft 2’s general chat?
NP: I can’t say that I have, no.
JL: It’s a genuine cesspool, full of people I’m almost certain will bring about the downfall of the human species. I want my kids to play games that will challenge and enrich them — with diverse stories and characters that will expand their view on life. Gamers are the antithesis of that. I want my kids to play games, but I don’t know what I would do if they became gamers.
NP: Okay, but isn’t anyone who plays games a gamer?
JL: In a literal sense, sure. But that’s an issue of semantics — so don’t try to dance around the subject with the whole tu quoque bullshit. We both know what I’m talking about: capital “G” Gamers. And I think you and I both know, deep down, that the best thing for video games is getting rid of gamers.
NP: … So are there any games you’re looking forward to on Switch?
JL: Oh, New Pokémon Snap, hands down.
Stephen Lightfoot is Editor in Chief of The MQ.