Jay Noonan
If the Ice Caps are Melting, Can’t We Just Make More?
By Janet HolmesBusiness major andamateur Climatologist Everyone nowadays is complaining about the ice caps melting without doing anything about it, but the solution is actually so …
Local Coffeeshop Announces “12 Months of Christmas” Promotion
One mall Santa commented: “I’ve never had so much job security in my life.”Photo by Sharon Roth Last week, local coffeeshop “Rise ‘n Grind” announced a new …
Point/Counterpoint: How Hard Can This Premed Thing Be?/I Switched Majors Three Weeks Into my Freshman Year
How Hard Can This Premed Thing Be? By Joseph NeuronIncoming Freshman Look, I know I’m only going into my first year, but how hard can Premedreally …
Stuart Art Collection Unveils Newest Piece to Upset Students
Augin and Carry commented that it was meant as a reminder that “there’s always time to be an inconvenience.”Photo by Jack Yang Last Tuesday morning, university …
Local Student Plans to Hit the Gym Over Summer, Resolution Lasts a Week
“It took me like 10 situps to reach the remote, so I think I’m good for the day,” said Wyland.Photo by Jack Yang Second year Sid …
how to tell the difference between a honeybee and a wasp
A lot of people have an irrational fear of bees, and some of it can be due to other creepy crawlies that may look like them. …
Internet Point/Counter Point
Point: The Internet is Broken and I Can’t Find My Email Okay Google, I want my email … Is this working? Forget it, I’ll do it …
Sunshine Market to shut Down the Day After Target Opens
Sunshine Market recently announced that they will be permanently closing down operations in Price Center. In wake of the new Target moving in, the small market …