Professional Studier
POINT: I NEED the Library to Be Open 24/7
I’d like to start off by saying that Geisel is my favorite study spot. Come midterms and come finals, I’m spending 25 hours a day, 8 days a week on that grind within its hallowed walls. Needless to say, when I walked into Geisel today and saw the “new and improved hours,” I was shocked, dismayed, dumbfounded, crushed, and just generally kinda bummed out. The Theodore Seuss Geisel library is going to shut its doors at 10 p.m. on finals week.
What am I to do in these conditions?? I cannot study back at my apartment. All of my suitemates are in a polycule together, and the constant noise prevents me from focusing. I’ve been trying to form a petition, but I’m finding it difficult to focus knowing that I won’t have full access during my sacred study hours in a few weeks. This is right out of administration’s playbook. Does anyone remember the old library? The one that’s now Galbraith Hall? Well, I remember. It was a bustling haven of study, until they slowly started cutting the hours, whittling it down to nothingness. There were protests and everything. And now, it’s gone. And nobody even remembers it ever existed. When admin feels threatened, it just takes another library away. I don’t think there are any solutions. I guess I could study outside, but that’s how they get you.

Dark Empath
COUNTERPOINT: Who Actually Needs 24 Hours to Study Anyway?
I’ve been hearing word around campus about the changes to those library hours at that one place, and really, all I’ve got to say about that is: how long does it really take you to study? Like, I get being thorough about reviewing your notes and all that, but seriously folks, what are you actually doing with all that time?
Are your notes truly that long? Are your books that dense? Are you watching all of your podcasted lectures on .25x speed or something? When I study, I just look through my notes, say “Yep, I remember all of that,” and move on to the next thing. I can study for six classes worth of finals in like, an hour or so. Do I pass them all? No, but nobody passes all of their classes each quarter anyway, so who cares. Maybe you’re just not using your time efficiently. Maybe you’re just a slow reader. I don’t know your story. But the poor Geisel employees shouldn’t be forced to work 24-hour shifts because you don’t know how to study quickly. Frankly, I’m starting to get the impression that you’re all conspiring to do something… sinister. Who knows what diabolical machinations you get up to at 3 a.m. in the library basement? Not me. I’m at home. Sleeping.