
These are features from the newspaper. Centerspread and Backspread can also be found in their respective pages.

ClickventuresFeaturesOnline Exclusives

Can you create content for Clickhole?

Written by: Sharon Roth

oops wrong satire paper

ClickventuresFeaturesOnline Exclusives

Can you write an essay for your 10th grade English class?

Written by: Sharon Roth

Well, can you? Find out with this interactive click-venture!

FeaturesOnline Exclusives

Would You Survive the Jurassic?

Written by: The MQ

Long have you awaited, dedicated reader, for the chance to face your fears. Long have you awaited the moment where you discover if you live, or if you die. This life is not an easy one, oh no, but you can live it with your head held as high as any Brachiosaurus, knowing that you — yes YOU — will survive the Jurassic Period. Or would you?

FeaturesOnline Exclusives

Rejected Young Adult Novels of 2020

Written by: The MQ

Sometimes, you really CAN judge a book by its cover. Here are some scrapped young adult novels that were originally set to release this year.

FeaturesOnline Exclusives

Quarantine Horoscope

Written by: The MQ

Based on our very scientific analysis of stars and planets and whatnot, we know exactly what you’ve done during quarantine based on your sign.


Alien Sighted on Campus

Written by: The MQ

Center SpreadFeatures

Back PageFeatures

Anatomy of the Apathetic

Written by: The MQ

Do you hate how some people care so little about politics? Do you interact with people who “just can’t even” with everything in life? After extensive research, we’ve narrowed down the specifics of what makes up an apathetic person. Take a look, if you care.


Dear Emily Queue…

Written by: The MQ

Back PageFeatures

The MQscars

Written by: The MQ