
a paper straw that works

Written by: The MQ

Ashley Madeline Via Twitter

Today, we see lots of effort put into saving the environment and the species that really need our help. However, in today’s America, each citizen uses an average of 143 straws per day. As such, we’ve seen a sudden shift in preference for safer paper straws as opposed to the plastic ones we have been using. Not only do the paper straws kill fewer animals, but they stop you from drinking those sugary beverages when they melt in your cup — saving you some guilt and some gut. However, researchers at University of California, Los Angeles are working to create a polyethylene (also known as plastic) coating for the inside of a paper straw, thus allowing for the durability and functionality of a plastic straw. While maintaining the appearance of a paper straw, your conscience is soothed, and it keeps you safe from any environmentalists who see you drinking your third caramel macchiato of the day.

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