UCSD to Replace Inner Loop and Outer Loop With Two Train Lines


Written by: Iris Hochwalt

UC San Diego Transportation Services spokesperson Bethnal Green has announced that as part of the school’s commitment to sustainability, the Inner Loop and Outer Loop shuttles will be replaced with two train lines. “Students love trains, and we love making students happy,” Green said. “Trains are a lot better for the environment than our silly little buses are. Plus you can fit more students on a train than on a bus! This is going to be extremely beneficial for our campus.” The proposed train routes will have half the number of stops as the current shuttle lines, with each station being serviced by only one train. 

When asked to address how this would affect students’ current ability to navigate campus during construction, Green replied that UCSD Transportation Services will hold a weekly raffle to give one free cart ride to a lucky student. “Beyond that, we are encouraging current students to use micromobility devices or just walk everywhere,” Green said. 

Train line construction, which will require the closure of every road on campus, is slated to begin January 2025 and predicted to end in Summer 2030.

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