On Wednesday, October 23, Muir students were informed that residential plumbing systems would be disabled due to a cold water shutoff. As a result, students were instructed to defecate into their HDH-provided trash bins. The following day erupted into chaos as the trash bins were quickly overfilled with human excrement. HDH Custodial Care reported that several bathrooms had to be thoroughly deep cleaned. “When I walked in and saw the mess, I said to myself, ‘What the shit?’” an anonymous employee reported.
Later that day, Muir Residential Life sent out an email reminding students to not empty their waste bins off of their balconies. “Do they expect us to take a walk of shame down the stairs and dig a hole instead?!” protested an anonymous student. The cold water was switched back three hours earlier than anticipated, much to the relief of many students. “It is unfortunate that the initial water problem erupted into a biohazardous catastrophe, but that’s just how we have to do it sometimes,” said HDH custodian Narvis Hardsten.