I was sitting by my Victorian-style windowsill, indulging in my most recent summer read — Lolita, for the complex historical perspectives — when I heard the most atrocious blaring sound coming from my cellular device. Of course it was my sister, Lydia, who triggered it. Per the usual, she asked me the same series of questions she did every week: Do you have a job yet? Have you talked to Mom? What are you even doing with your life? Usually I brush it off as her feeble blue-collar mind being unable to fathom my lifestyle. But this time I finally reached my breaking point. Just as Winston Smith in 1984 realized he lived in a dystopian world, I came to the revelation that this society is asleep… and won’t wake up…
Lydia acts as if her life is perfect just because she has three kids who “bring her joy.” As if! Children do nothing but constrain the free mind. They consume nothing but immature cartoons. They don’t appreciate the true backbone of this society: the literary greats. As I sip on my café au lait, I cannot help but quiver with anger at the thought of Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzche, and J.K. Rowling fading into obscurity. Soon enough our children won’t even know how to read! Lydia just doesn’t get it… At least Hermione Granger understands me…
Sometimes I yearn for the day a burly untrimmed man sweeps me off my feet and tells me I’m a wizard. Maybe then will I finally belong.
Which brings me back to my initial frustration. Lydia constantly badgers me about my lack of effort to become successful in “society’s eyes.” Sue me for seeing the bigger picture here! While you all remain victims of ignorance and technology, I fight for a greater cause… I stand alone as the last line of defense against authoritarianism. Which is why I devote my life to the glorious book. Rather than subjecting myself to this capitalistic form of slavery, I choose to spread knowledge through my blog: Carol’s Corner. Sure, the economy’s pretty tight right now but my loyal readers (and parent’s allowance) keep me afloat regardless, because they understand these stories matter more than the mundane.
You people do nothing but settle for the satisfactory. What happened to seeking a higher purpose? What happened to curiosity? What happened to even caring? I mean seriously, from the look of some of your choices in partners it’s obvious we have given up standards. Unlike Lydia, who settled with her highschool boyfriend, I want to meet my whirlwind romance, a man who will surely fulfill all my needs, physically AND spiritually… something most women will unfortunately never understand.
As a final plea to open your hearts to my sentiment, I leave you with the words of Colleen Hoover: It Ends With Us. We can cut the restraints of society, together.