The Crossword


Written by: The MQ

The Crossword



1: Fancy seafood order, aphrodisiac

11: What your Southern friend says is that blinking thing in the sky

15: Not me

16: One of the 13 colonies

17: Aniela’s unofficial job, don’t check staff box

18: Like a prescription

20: Belgian Sheepdog Club of America

21: The MQ’s favorite animal

22: Leader of the discussion

23: Readers say this when they see our jokes

25: Fled successfully

29: Autumn’s favorite drink

31: Reverse Take Over

32: Price of an oat milk latte

36: Five

37: 17 across

39: Computer camera,


40: The best pen

42: Shorthand for out of

the ordinary

45: Truth

47: Feisty fish

49: Why steal

50: Shirt size

51: Take a pause. save your game

52: Robot with its own mind

55: Spanish for “no,” they

can’t all be winners

56: Leggo my

58: The perfect crime, the imperfect game

67: Rex, not as in Orange County

72: Half of Tolstoy’s book

73: This one is the word “unns”

76: Logical first officer

77: 80% of people disliked this hint


1: Sinking ship of unfortunately beloved fanfiction

3: Law and order

4: Just the

5: Where you go with a broken toe

6: Red/Green/Blue efficient

image file format

7: Against your continued survival

8: They’ll take a mile

9: This one’s a freebie: “SIAAPFW”

10: Funny

11: Oops

12: One size bigger than E-cup

13: Swimming in the sea

14: UCSD terrace hotspot

19: Hidden surprise, bunny themed

21: Dad’s son, mom’s acquaintance

24: Passing resemblance to a woodwind instrument, backwards

26: Where the jester jingles

28: Mr. Chang, of the restaurant

33: The best kind of radiation

35: To desire

38: Pet store

41: Evidence

43: The store your friend’s ex-boyfriend exclusively shopped at

46: PhD

53: The way an -ussy joke is funny

54: Slippery when peeled

62: Legless reptile, said by annoying people

63: Spanish for “in,” they can’t all be winners

64: Burst of wind

65: Sounds heard ’round the table

66: Spanish for “is,” they can’t all be winners

68 Casual affirmation

69: Tomato sauce

70: Shorthand for account

71: Aniela’s official job

79: Spill the

The premier satire magazine at UC San Diego.

One Reply to “The Crossword”

  1. no hate but someone needed to let u know says:

    respectfully, the answers are too hyperspecific and having multiple words in one space just kinda sucks. and none of these words are in the bible. appreciate the attempt tho

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