Unrecorded UCSD Lecture Now Considered Lost Media
This past Friday, a small group of students claimed to see a lecture that has no digital recording or published slide deck. One anonymous student posted to r/LostMedia, writing: “You know how 8 a.m.’s go: I rolled out of bed at 8:12 and got the Zoom call open, and instead of connecting to laptop audio, I went back to sleep. I vaguely remember seeing some equations about heat energy? Please help, I think the lecture had information about the midterm.”
Attempts to narrow down the subject of the lecture proved unsuccessful, as another student only remembered it was about “entropy, or something else starting with ‘E’.” Additionally, none of the 12 students who claimed to be in lecture took any notes. A breakthrough arrived when one student, procrastinating on their essay, went through UCSD’s catalog to find each science-related Friday 8 a.m. class, and emailed every professor. Unfortunately, only one responded, claiming that he was no longer taking any questions about the waitlist, and it’s out of his hands regardless.
Students are hopeful that the lost lecture will soon be found: “At this point, I just want to know what we learned so that I can get a tutor for the things the professor never explains.”
M. Q. Dhilla is the embodiment of the newspaper come to life, but that's a secret, so don’t effin’ snitch.