Local Lawyer Disbarred after “Excessive Use” of Taylor Swift Quotes


Written by: Dexter Hamilton

Local Lawyer Disbarred after “Excessive Use” of Taylor Swift Quotes

The American Bar Association recently disbarred a criminal defense attorney for unprecedented behavior. Despite repeated requests from judges to “stop everything, now,” Devin Chou believed he was “untouchable, burning brighter than the sun,” and that he “didn’t have it in himself to go with grace.”

One particularly egregious incident, according to the ABA, included when Chou defended an accused cannibal by saying there was “no body, no crime,” and that “long story short, it was the wrong guy.” When accused of perjury, Chou said, “Sorry, I can’t see facts through all of my fury,” and responded to angry comments with “the truth is easier to ignore, believe me.” Later in the case, Chou accused the judge, yelling “you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand!”

In response to being disbarred, Chou released a statement arguing that the ABA was “so casually cruel in the name of being honest” after he had “cried like a baby coming home from the bar.”

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