Local Hero Finished Watching All Porn so You Don’t Have To


Written by: Natalia Nenn

“Oh my, that’s pornography!” gasped a Guinness World Record Official after getting a glimpse of Basta’s laptop screen.
Photo by: Jessica Ma

La Jolla resident Henry Basta has achieved what many men have only only dreamed of; he is the first man to have successfully watched every pornographic video that is available on the internet.

Basta, age 28, has devoted the greater portion of his life to viewing porn from his parent’s basement with no less than 18 monitors set up. This gave him the ability to watch multiple films at once and reduce the overall time in which he needed to complete his goal. “It started when I was around 12 when online porn was fairly new,” Basta stated. “The more video streaming porn became popular, the less satisfied I was with watching only a few clips of those three to five minute juicy tidbits of erotic imagery that you can find free on any porn site. I needed more, so I decided to watch them all.”

In order to maintain enough capital to afford his numerous porn subscriptions, Basta reached out to many porn websites for free premium memberships in order to complete his feat of nature. Some of the first websites to sponsor Basta were madthumbs.com and pornerbros.com, and once the word circulated in the porn industry that someone was serious about wanting to watch all porn, more and more websites were willing to provide free memberships.

Pornhub community coordinator Katie Kenzi said of Basta’s journey, “We were all rooting for Henry. He became somewhat of a legend in both his persistence and endurance, and we definitely wanted to see him succeed and show the world it was a possible feat from the start.”

Although Basta claims to have watched every minute of legal porn that is available, he does openly admit his refusal to watch any porn he deems “too unnatural,” such as erotic animation. However, this statement has enraged many in the animation community. Erotic animation enthusiast Tucker Anderson claimed that Basta “couldn’t have watched every porn that there is if he hasn’t even considered watching an animated Pikachu seduce an animated perfect-10 animated chick with an hourglass figure. Who is he to decide what is and what isn’t real porn?”

Basta later clarified that “as long as there’s realistic shading, I’m ok with it. The minute that stuff goes 2D though, it’s just too foreign for me to relate to.”

Regardless of this criticism, The Guinness Book of World Records has decided to add Henry Basta as the first man to watch every pornagraphic video available online. The title is currently being reviewed by the Record Managment Team at Guinness. However, Records Category Specialist Cathline Turner believes that given the evidence provided, there is little doubt that the title will go through. “Our team has been reviewing Basta’s web browsing history for the past few days and it is very impressive. One of our interns was even crying after clicking on a few of the links and watching some of the more risque films,” states Turner. “Of all the records I’ve verified over the years working at Guinness, this is one of the few records that I think will go down in history independently from the world records book itself as a truly remarkable feat of humanity.”

Henry Basta is seen in his community as a hero and is revered by many of his peers but Basta humbly disagrees. “I became so serious about my dream of wanting to be the first man to watch all porn that I stopped masturbating. Watching porn became more work than pleasure. I was only doing this for me, not the fame.” Yet Basta will live on in the hearts of many as the man who achieved an important goal for all of modern society.

Design Editor at The MQ

Natalia is a third-year transfer student majoring in Math-CS

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