Top Ten Things Your Professor Will Say on the First Day of Class

Top Ten

Written by: The MQ

  1. “Welcome to the first day of class”
  2. “I’m giving you my personal email, but I never really check it”
  3. “I wrote the textbook”
  4. Nothing audible, they couldn’t get the microphone to work
  5. “I’ve never really believed in homework, so the midterm will be 50 percent of your grade”
  6. “My office hours are [during one of your classes]”
  7. “And I’m sure you all have your iClickers … ”
  8. “Since I probably won’t see half of you again until the midterm, please remember to bring your student ID and a pencil, scantrons will be provided”
  9. “Please don’t hesitate to stop me if you have a question”
  10. “Please hold all questions until the end of the lecture”

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