UCSD Students Warned of Glue Incident


Written by: Liv Gilbert

Last week, UC San Diego students received Timely Warnings via text, phone call, and loudspeaker after a glue-related event was reported. The incident, officially determined to be “potentially related to glue” and “of a nature that involves a substance suggested to be glue,” prompted UCPD to order the “possible optional mandatory non-emergency immediate evacuation” of UCSD’s main campus. The warning was then retracted and un-retracted repeatedly over the next three days. “This is all so confusing,” said one student. “First they tell us to evacuate to avoid all the glue, then they announce an all clear, then they clarify that the incident itself involved clear glue so in fact we still had to leave!”

“Students’ safety, from all sorts of sticky substances and situations, is our top priority,” said UCPD chief Rex Greenfield at a press conference. “Within mere weeks of receiving reports of the glue incident, we used all available means to dispatch a Timely Warning containing absolutely all relevant information for students. Our investigative team determined that the glue incident most likely did involve glue, and we are currently putting all available resources into seeing if the glue incident was indeed glue-related.”

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