The podcast for the COGS 101A class from September 23rd caught flack earlier this week for wasting students’ time by having an apparent glitch which caused grading policy to be repeated. At approximately 19:23, an echo of the professor’s previous sentence can be heard, albeit with an inquisitive tone: “So, you’re saying that we can opt out of participation points and instead increase the weight of test scores by five percent?”
Using Snapchat stories from that day, curious students have identified none other than known “smartass” Robert Higgins as the backseat lecturer.
“Yeah, so what he said seemed pretty difficult to understand,” Higgins said in response of his need to repeat information as questions. “Like, ‘you can opt out of participation points and instead add an extra five percent to test scores’ – what is that even supposed to mean?”
Sources within the class have claimed that Professor Barrera meant that students may opt out of participation points for an increased weight of testing in their grade; however, it was unclear which of the three modes of communication — syllabus, lecture, or question — of whether or not they could increase the weight of test scores in their final grade in lieu of participation points helped in their understanding or if there was efficient use of class time.
Written by: Jacob Aguirre