UC San Diego Office For Students With Disabilities Under Oversight


Written by: Iris Hochwalt

The UC San Diego Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) has asked the UCSD ADA Coordinator to provide oversight after precedented delays in sending out student Authorization For Accommodations (AFA) letters resulted in disabled students threatening to sue. “Unfortunately, it turns out that we don’t quite know what our job is,” said OSD Spokesperson Abe L. Isst. “We hope that students will treat us with the same empathy we extend to them during this oversight period to create a better, stronger, healthier OSD.”

For third-year imaginary analysis major Willie Prader, change couldn’t come soon enough. “The OSD still hasn’t given me access to my AFA,” Prader said. “It’s Week 6 and my professors are starting to think I’m just trying to cheat when I ask for homework extensions.” First-year rheumatoid rhetoric major Elle R. S. Danlos concurred: “I got placed in a dorm without an elevator despite being a wheelchair user, and the OSD declined to grant me housing accommodations. My roommates have to use a pulley to get me into our room!”

The ADA coordinator could not be reached for further comment. “The ADA coordinator is a very busy person,” Isst said. “I am sure that there are more urgent issues to be attended to — like the lack of usable wheelchair paths.”

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