STOP Polluting Our Children’s Minds! vs. Hey, I Love That Show!

ArticlesOpinionPoint - Counter Point

Written by: Destiney Friday

POINT: STOP Polluting Our Children’s Minds!

By Leonard Dade
Last of the Moral Majority

Oh you liberals really did it this time. After months of nagging from the old lady to become more “involved” in my grandkids’ lives, I finally caved and decided, what the hell, the stinkers aren’t getting any younger. But oh, that excitement didn’t last. I shoulda known from the way my eldest grandson cried like a girl when his “mommy” dropped him off at our house, that something was terribly wrong.

I tried to get the kid to watch some football with pop-pop over here, and he kept whining about this show, Epic Ninja Heroes: Reloaded. Now, just to clarify, I had no problem with this show. Hah, now that’s a good old-fashioned television show. I remembered watching quite a bit of it with my own kids back in the day. Ahh, good times, I still remember when little Jimmy broke his arm pretending to be one of them ninja guys. Anywho, I put the show on for the poor kid hoping it’d bring out his masculinity, but just then, my eyes were burned by the image of two women kissing! On my television? In what world does a show about “Epic Ninja Heroes” need to be paired with a 30-minute scene of women basically procreating on my gosh-damn TV! And just what in the hell were they doing making woman ninjas in the first place? I swear back in my day there were at least standards, there was sanctity in what we showed our kids.

What happened to fun educational shows like GI-Joe, or The Passion of the Christ? Newsflash: Not everything has to be gay. Absolute buffoonery.

COUNTERPOINT: Hey, I Love That Show!

By Harvey Childs
Local 7-Year-Old

Hey grandpa, are we talking about Epic Ninja Heroes!? I love that show! I watch it every morning before school!! My favorite part is all of the epic ninjas. I love ninjas! Did you know that they throw things called ninja stars? It’s so cool. I think my favorite character is Ninja Laurie. She’s the head ninja. Her and her girlfriend, Ninja Alice, fight all the bad guys. I remember this one time they fought this big dragon. I’m surprised you didn’t like that scene grandpa! I cheered so much after they beat him. They were so brave! After that episode I finally faced my fear of the dark!

Ninja Laurie was so cool. She had to climb this HUGE mountain to get to the Orb of Strength. She wasn’t even scared when she had to fight the goblin guarding the Orb. The goblin was scary. He kinda looked like you grandpa! But he had magic powers and Ninja Laurie needed to pass his tests. But even though it was hard, she kept trying until she beat him! Mommy said that’s something called “purse of earance”? I’m not sure. I thought it was great though. I wanna be like Ninja Laurie when I grow up! She’s my hero.

Wow, that show’s just awesome! I can’t wait to watch the next episode. Are you sure you don’t wanna watch it with me again, Grandpa?

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