
why veganism will die before 2050

Written by: Pilan Scruggs

It seems like vegans are everywhere nowadays. Your (perhaps former) best friend, your neighbors, and even your younger brother are all trying to convince you that you must forgo your meat-eating habit. That hamburger you ate for lunch is worse than your twice-a-day showers. It’s criminal to consider bacon and eggs for breakfast, and even a spoonful of honey in tea is unacceptable. No matter what else you do to minimize your carbon footprint, it just never seems to be enough.

The vegan movement’s increasing momentum may leave you thinking that it’s the ultimate solution to climate change, but data seem to suggest the contrary. It is nothing more than a passing phase. Two or three generations from now, the idea of veganism will be inconceivable. Although the lifestyle undeniably reduces an individual’s carbon footprint, urging all nearly 7.7 billion people to adjust their habits would be absolutely devastating to social order. This is a concern especially in the States where people live and die by Ronald McDonald and in England where fish and chips are inseparable from local culture. Also, face it: meat simply tastes way better than vegan imitations, and that’s the only thing at stake here.

Eleven percent of the global population is malnourished and 10 percent face severe food insecurity, but the vast majority of these individuals reside in developing countries and abstain from meat by necessity. At the same time, 72 percent of American adults are overweight and 40 percent are obese, yet plenty of them consume meat at every meal. Clearly, the obvious solution is for America to export meat to protien-lacking countries until their meat industries become strong enough to sustain this optimal meat-centric diet.

An excellent source of vitamins B12 and D, calcium, iron, zinc, and protein, animal meat is exceptionally nutritious. Don’t believe the mainstream media; there’s absolutely no way vegans can also obtain all of the above. With so much of the global population already suffering, the last thing these affected people need is restricted access to these bodily essentials. It is basic logic that those with excess should be supplying meat to those in need, rather than bothering with designing vegan and environmentally-friendly supplements. If a simple solution exists, take it. Besides, it’s easy to focus on a single, already stable industry like the meat industry. Introducing new supplements would just needlessly complicate things and create economic competition in the food industry.

Healing the planet begins with healing its people. A planet of weak people cannot do much for the environment, so first we must decrease global death rates due to malnutrition. Sure, there are already too many people on this planet with exponential population growth being another nascent problem, but that’s a challenge for the next generation to solve. Perhaps it’ll solve itself with the lengths today’s young generation behaves for momentary Internet fame.

The bottom line is that so much stands to be gained from increasing global meat consumption. It already contributes significantly to the global economy, and increasing output would furnish even greater prosperity. Furthermore, cows unfairly receive hate for their methane emissions even though there are other sources of this greenhouse gas, such as rice paddies. Nobody knows this because there aren’t any good rice farting jokes. But since meat is far more nutritious than rice, it’s clear which should go and which should stay. Once the evidence becomes too overwhelming to contradict, the vegan trend will vanish into nonexistence. Perhaps by then it will have been replaced by the other, more ideal, extreme: the all-meat diet.

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